Tie Xi Qu: West of Tracks

Part I 240min/Part II 175min/Part III 130min
Director, Photography, Editing: Wang Bing
The Tie Xi district in Shenyang in northeast China was established during the Japanese occupation and transformed into a highly populated industrial area. This unusually long-form documentary, taking us on a tour of this now decaying area, spreads over nine hours and three parts entitled Rust, Remnants, and Rails. Factories and towns become ruins, people are buffeted by change, and time ebbs away. An extraordinary documentary that puts the realities facing Chinese society into stark relief, through an exclusive and extended exploration of the region.
Director, Photography, Editing: Wang Bing
9.25(Mon) 12:30 Part I @Polepole Higashinakano theater
9.25(Mon) 17:05 Part II @Polepole Higashinakano theater
9.25(Mon) 20:35 Part III @Polepole Higashinakano theater

9.25(Mon) 17:05 Part II @Polepole Higashinakano theater
9.25(Mon) 20:35 Part III @Polepole Higashinakano theater