A Taste of Plum

TAIWAN/2004/Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka/Color/Video/142min
Director: Kuo Hsiao-yun
The village of Nangang, near the epicenter of the earthquake in Guosing Township, Nantou County, was buried in a landslide. This film follows the survivors as they try to recover—particularly the three Ju brothers, who have lost their mother and their home. Misplaced expectations lead to confrontations with the government, the village is being turned increasingly into a tourist destination, and in order to put their lives back together, the villagers are even willing to exploit their own experiences of the earthquake. These are lives that cast a life-sized image of Taiwan.
Director: Kuo Hsiao-yun
9.24(Sun) 18:45 @Polepole Higashinakano theater