Yesterday Today Tomorrow

JAPAN, THAILAND/2005/Thai/Color/Video/90min
Director: Naoi Riyo
The Japanese director closely followed two families in Northern Thailand for over three years. Despite being infected with HIV, these families look ahead to their future with their foot planted firmly on the ground.
Director: Naoi Riyo
9.20(Wed) 12:30 @Polepole Higashinakano theater
9.24(Sun) 14:35-Director present @Polepole Higashinakano theater
9.26(Tue) 12:30 @Polepole Higashinakano theater

9.24(Sun) 14:35-Director present @Polepole Higashinakano theater
9.26(Tue) 12:30 @Polepole Higashinakano theater